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MapLink™ | Procedures | Challenges

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A. A landowner who, on substantive grounds, desires to challenge the validity of an ordinance or map or any provision thereof which prohibits or restricts the use or development of land in which he has an interest shall submit the challenge either to the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with this article or to the Board of Supervisors together with a request for a curative amendment in accordance with the provisions of Article XXIV.

B. Persons aggrieved by a use or development permitted on the land of another by an ordinance or map or any provisions thereof who desire to challenge the validity on substantive grounds shall first submit their challenge to the Zoning Hearing Board for a decision thereon.

C. The submissions referred to in Subsections A and B above shall be governed by the criteria set forth in Section 916.1(c) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended.

D. The Zoning Hearing Board shall commence its hearing within 60 days after the request is filed unless the landowner requests or consents to an extension of time.

E. Public notice of the hearing shall include notice that the validity of the ordinance or map is in question and shall give the place where and the times when a copy of the request, including any plans, explanatory material or proposed amendments, may be examined by the public.

F. The challenge may be deemed denied under the conditions set forth in Section 916.1(f) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended.