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MapLink™ | Signs

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A permanent sign which has not identified or advertised a current business, service, owner, product, or activity for a period of at least 365 days; a sign which is damaged, in disrepair, or vandalized and not repaired within 90 days; a sign which contains an outdated message for a period exceeding 30 days.
A change in the size, shape, or type of an existing sign. Copy or color change of an existing sign is not an alteration. Changing or replacing a sign face or panel is not an alteration, providing there is no increase in the size of the sign face or panel.
The movement or the optical illusion of movement of any part of the sign structure, design or pictorial segment, including the movement of any illumination or the flashing or varying of light intensity; the automatic changing of all or any part of the facing of a sign; the movement of a sign set in motion by the atmosphere. Time and temperature devices shall be considered animated signs.
A person or entity who applies for a sign permit in accordance with the provisions of this article.
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A sign with its copy on a shelter made of any nonrigid material, such as fabric or flexible plastic that is supported by or stretched over a frame and attached to an exterior wall of a building or other structure.
A sign with its copy on nonrigid material such as cloth, plastic, fabric or paper with no supporting framework. Banners are temporary in nature and do not include flags such as the flag of the United States, the Pennsylvania state flag, and/or other local governmental flags.
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See "Off-Premise Sign" and "Outdoor Advertising Sign."
That portion of any exterior elevation of a building extending vertically from grade to the top of a parapet wall or eaves and horizontally across the entire width of the building elevation.
A sign that is applied or affixed to a building.
A sign on a rigid multi-sided structure attached to a building or on any other freestanding structure that may have a roof with support but no walls.
The ability of sign copy to be changed manually by placement of individual letters and symbols, digitally, or electronically. Digital or electronic changeable copy signs are also referred to as "electronic message centers" and are regulated by § 175-110C.
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The graphic content or message of a sign.
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Any sign that is designed and erected for the purpose of providing direction and/or orientation for pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
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A sign with two faces, back to back.
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An electrically activated changeable copy sign whose variable message and/or graphic presentation capability can be electronically or digitally programmed.
Emergency warning signs erected by a government agency, a public utility company, or a contractor doing authorized or permitted work within the public right-of-way.
A source of indirect illumination located away from the sign, but which is itself not visible to persons viewing the sign from any street, sidewalk or adjacent property.
See "wall sign."
A measure of illuminance, the amount of light falling onto a surface. One lumen of light, shining evenly across one square foot of surface, illuminates that surface to one foot-candle (sometimes also written footcandle or foot candle).
The general term for any sign which is supported by structures or supports that are placed on, or anchored in, the ground and that is independent and detached from any building or other structure. Freestanding signs can be considered monument signs or pole signs.
A sign, generally informational, that has a purpose secondary to the use of the lot on which it is located, such as "no parking," "entrance," "telephone," "no trespassing" and other similar directives, and window signs giving store hours or the names of credit institutions. No sign with a commercial message legible from a position off the lot on which the sign is located shall be considered incidental.
A source of illumination entirely within the sign which makes the content of the sign visible at night by means of the light being transmitted through a translucent material but wherein the source of illumination is not visible.
Any sign attached to a covered structure projecting from and supported by a building with independent roof and drainage provisions and which is erected over a doorway or doorways as protection against the weather.
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Any vehicle or trailer which has attached thereto or thereon any sign or advertising device for the basic purpose of providing advertisement of products or directing people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property or any other premises. These shall not include business logos, identification or advertising on vehicles primarily used for other business purposes.
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A freestanding sign, permanently affixed to the ground at its base, supported entirely by a base structure, and not mounted on a pole or attached to any part of a building. Also known as a ground sign.
Any sign which is not allowed under this article, but which, when first constructed before this article was in effect and for which a sign permit was issued, was legally allowed.
See "outdoor advertising sign."
A sign, including the supporting structure, framework, and power sources, if any, which advertises, draws attention to or promotes any product, article of business, service or activity sold, occurring or located, temporarily or permanently, on a property other than that upon which the sign is located.
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A permanent sign erected, maintained or used in the outdoor environment for the purpose of the display of commercial or noncommercial messages not appurtenant to the use of, products sold on, or the sale or lease of, the property on which it is displayed. May also be referenced as an off-premise sign or billboard.
The extension of a building facade above the line of the structural roof.
A freestanding sign that is permanently supported in a fixed location by a structure of one or more poles, posts, uprights, or braces from the ground and not supported by a building or base structure.
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A sign which is supported by an exterior wall of a building or other structure and which is constructed and displayed perpendicular to the face of the building or other structure so that both sides of the sign are visible.
A sign which is erected, constructed, and maintained on or above the eve of the roof of a building.
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A movable, temporary sign consisting of two faces, connected and hinged at the top.
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Any name, nameplate, poster, panel, display, illustration, structure or device used for visual communication which is affixed, painted or represented directly or indirectly upon a building or other surface, including signs visible from the outside which are inside windows or doors, for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public or advertising a business, commodity, service or product or for identifying a business, structure or use of land.
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Any device visible from a public place whose essential purpose and design is to convey either commercial or non-commercial messages by means of graphic presentation of alphabetic or pictorial symbols or representations. The term "sign" shall not include any flag or badge or insignia of the United States, State of Pennsylvania, Bucks County, Doylestown Township, or official historic plaques of any governmental jurisdiction or agency.
The total area of the face of a sign including all lettering, wording, accompanying designs and symbols, together with a background, whether or not open or enclosed, on which they are displayed, but not including any supporting framework and bracing which are incidental to the display itself. In the case of individual letters or symbols attached to or painted on a surface, building, wall, or window, the area shall be considered to be the smallest rectangle or other geometric shape which encompasses all letters and symbols. See § 175-109G.
A banner suspended above a public sidewalk and attached to a single street pole. These signs shall not contain any commercial advertisement.
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A sign not intended or designed for permanent display. Temporary signs are intended to be removed after the purpose has been served.
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A sign that is in any manner affixed to an exterior wall of a building or structure and that projects not more than 18 inches from the building or structure wall, including signs affixed to architectural projections from a building provided the copy area of such signs remains on a parallel plane to the face of the building facade or to the face of the architectural projection to which it is affixed.
A sign that is applied, painted, or affixed to a window, or placed inside a window, facing the outside of the building, and visible from the outside.
General sign regulations.

A sign permit shall be secured from the Zoning Officer prior to the use, erection, structural repair, alteration, relocation, removal or demolition of any sign unless listed as exempt as per § 175-108. The following regulations shall be observed for all signs in all zoning districts in the Township:

A. Signs which advertise, promote or draw attention to any product, article of business, service or activity sold, occurring or located at or in the place or premises where such sign is located shall be allowed by permit in the Township, except where specifically exempt from such requirements. Off-premises, outdoor advertising signs are permitted only in accordance with the Article XIXB.

B. Any sign located along the right-of-way of a state or federal highway shall comply with any more restrictive requirements of the state and federal government relating thereto.

C. Location of signs.
(1) No sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger traffic by obscuring the view or by confusion with official street signs or signals because of position, color or reflective surface.

(2) Except in the case where a local right-of-way abuts a structure, only street pole banner signs, traffic signs and similar regulatory notices of a duly constituted governmental body are permitted within a street right-of-way.

(3) No sign shall be erected or maintained nearer to a street line or lot line than a distance equaling the height of the top of the sign, or 10 feet, whichever is greater, except in the case where the sign is temporary, a local right-of-way abuts a structure, the sign is a street pole banner, or the sign is that of a governmental authority.

(4) A sign shall not project over a public walkway, except for street pole banners and where a local right-of-way abuts a structure or for signs of a governmental entity. For those exceptions where a sign is permitted, the lowest edge of such sign shall be at least eight feet above the sidewalk elevation.

(5) No sign shall be located within two feet of any multi-use trail within the Township.
(6) If a sign is located on a public or private sidewalk, a minimum of four feet of unobstructed sidewalk clearance must be maintained between the sign and any building or other obstruction.
D. Sign height. See § 175-109D for detailed information.

E. All signs must be constructed with durable materials, must conform with the requirements of the PA UCC, and must be kept in good condition and repair. Any sign which is allowed to become dilapidated may be removed by the Township in accordance with the regulations contained in § 175-111.5.

F. Illumination of signs.
(1) Light sources to illuminate signs shall neither be visible from any street right-of-way nor cause glare hazardous or distracting to pedestrian, vehicle drivers, or adjacent properties.

(2) No more than 0.2 foot-candle of light shall be detectable at the boundary of any abutting property.

(3) With the exception of electronic message center signs, signs on non-residential properties may be illuminated from 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. or 1/2 hour past close of business of the facility being used or advertised, whichever is later.

(4) Illumination types:
(a) External illumination, where permitted, is allowed only as a steady, stationary light source, shielded and directed solely at the sign. The light source must be static in color and concealed by a translucent cover.
(b) Internal illuminations, including back-lighting, must be static in intensity, and color. No portion of the light source should be visible.
G. Area of a sign. See § 175-109G for detailed information.

H. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by this article, only one sign per permitted type shall be placed on any one premises, unless such premises fronts on more than one street, in which case one of each permitted sign type may be placed on each street frontage. Temporary signs do not count toward the number of signs allowed on a property, provided they meet the requirements of this article. Further, each sign will require a permit except where specifically exempted by this article.

See § 175-111.5: Removal of unlawful, unsafe, or abandoned signs. for detailed information.
The following signs are prohibited:

A. Any sign containing information which states or implies that a property may be used for any purpose not permitted under the provisions of this chapter in the zoning district on which the property to which the sign relates is located. This provision does not apply to off-premise, outdoor advertising signs.

B. Any sign which flashes, rotates, spins, revolves or oscillates (with the exception of barber poles).

C. Any sign which emits smoke, visible vapors or particles, sound or odor.

D. Any illuminated sign in residential districts, except as provided for in § 175-111.

E. No sign shall contain neon or other gases or powders in exposed tubes where the tubes are visible, except for signs located within windows.

F. Mobile billboards, if they are parked in such a manner that their primary purpose is for advertising.

G. Roof signs.

H. Any sign which interferes with an official highway sign.

I. Any sign which imitates or attempts to imitate an official traffic sign, signal or device.

J. Off-premises outdoor advertising signs shall be permitted only in the Off-Premises Outdoor Advertising Sign Overlay District.

K. Signs or any guide, stay or attachment thereto erected, placed, painted, or maintained by any person, with the exception of Doylestown Township, on rock, fences or trees or electric light, power, telephone or telegraph, or other pole on any street in the Township, nor affixed to or on any trail in the Township.

See § 175-108: Exempt signs for a list of exempt signs.
Any sign existing at the time of passage of this chapter that does not conform in use, location, height or size with the regulations contained herein shall be considered nonconforming and may continue in such use, in its present location, until the sign is considered abandoned or replacement or rebuilding of the sign becomes necessary, at which time a zoning permit will be required and the sign brought into conformity with this chapter.
See § 175-110C for detailed information.
The purposes of the sign regulations are:
A. To provide uniform standards for signs within the Township and specific standards for signs in each zoning district.
B. To establish procedures for the review and approval of sign permit applications.
C. To regulate the location, size, construction, erection, alteration, use, and maintenance of signs.
D. To promote the use of well-crafted signs in harmony with the architectural and residential character of the Township.

Scope and applicability.
A. In all zoning districts within the jurisdiction of this chapter, signs may be used, erected, maintained, altered, relocated, removed or demolished only in compliance with the provisions of this article and any and all ordinances and regulations of the Township relating to the use, erection, maintenance, alteration, moving or removal of signs or similar devices.

B. All plans and applications for subdivision and land developments shall include on the plans information describing all signs proposed for the subdivision and/or land development. The plans shall indicate the size, location, style, materials, proposed text, lighting, and colors for all signs, to demonstrate that the requirements of the Township's sign regulations as set forth in this chapter have been satisfied.