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Riparian Management
A. Corridor management plan. Within any riparian corridor area, no construction, development, use, activity or encroachment shall be permitted unless a corridor management plan is prepared, submitted and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The plan shall outline the specific strategies to be implemented which will mitigate the effects of the proposed development in accordance with best management practices and mitigation measures contained herein. The corridor management plan is subject to the following requirements, unless determined inapplicable by the Board of Supervisors:
(1) Plan preparation and content.
(a) Plan shall be prepared by a landscape architect, engineer, planner or other qualified professional.

(b) Plan shall be submitted with the application for subdivision, land development or permit.

(c) Plan shall fully evaluate the effects of the proposed use on the riparian corridor.

(d) The plan shall include a sketch plan that identifies all existing conditions, including, but not limited to, the boundaries of Zones One and Two, identified watercourse, vegetation, identified floodplain, soils, steep slopes, wetlands, woodlands, and any existing structures or improvements. Photographs or a narrative may be included for clarity of conditions.

(e) The plans shall include a written analysis that identifies the applicant's goals for the proposed project, specifically for each portion of the property (Zone 1, Zone 2 and area outside the riparian corridor). A sketch plan of proposed improvements and mitigating efforts may be submitted as a portion of the plans.

(f) Outline and written description of all proposed activities. The description of each use should include the area and extent of use and/or encroachment, the Zone in which the uses is proposed, the areas to be disturbed and the areas to be mitigated.

(g) All proposed management techniques should be fully detailed to include:
[1] Timelines for proposed construction, mitigation, planting or other related activities.
[2] Short- and long-term maintenance, mitigation and improvement activities necessary for preservation of the corridor, including application of herbicides, removal of invasive plants, pruning, moving, etc.
[3] Types, sizes, spacing and maintenance of newly planted trees, shrubs and ground covers.

(2) Management, mitigation and restoration measures. See § 175-103.9A(2) for detailed information.

B. Vegetation selection. To function properly, dominant vegetation included in the Corridor Management Plan shall be native to the area and suitable for the riparian corridor, All vegetation is subject to the review and approval of the Township's landscape architect. The following also apply:
(1) In Zone One, dominant vegetation shall be composed of a variety of native riparian tree and shrub species and appropriate plantings necessary for streambank stabilization.
(2) In Zone Two, dominant vegetation shall be composed of riparian trees and shrubs, with an emphasis on native species and appropriate plantings necessary to stabilize the soil.
(3) Disturbed areas shall be revegetated with riparian corridor plants, in compliance with the approved Corridor Management Plan.
(4) Areas that cannot be revegetated shall be restored in compliance with the approved Corridor Management Plan.

See Article XIXA: Riparian Corridor Conservation District for complete, detailed information.