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MapLink™ | Procedures | Boundary Interpretation and Appeals

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Boundary Interpretation and Appeals
A. When a landowner or applicant disputes the zone (One or Two) boundaries of the riparian corridor or the defined edge of a waterway, the landowner or applicant shall submit evidence to Doylestown Township that describes the boundary, presents the landowner's or applicant's proposed boundary and presents all justification for the proposed boundary change.

B. The Board of Supervisors, in consultation with its professionals, shall evaluate all material submitted and shall make a written determination of the riparian corridor boundaries with 45 days of the submission to the Township. A copy of this determination shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission and the landowner or applicant.

C. Any party aggrieved by any such determination or other decision or determination under this section may appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board under the provisions of § 175-139 of this chapter. The party contesting the location of the district boundary shall have the burden of proof in case of any such appeal.