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MapLink™ | Procedures | Natural Resource Protection

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Natural Resource Protection
A. The purpose of this section is to protect the natural resources of the environment by preserving woodlands, trees, watercourses, wetlands, slopes and floodplains. These regulations apply to all zoning districts and all uses in the Township.

B. Identification of lands with natural resources; mapping.
1) The applicant for a subdivision or land development or building permit shall identify all natural resources on a lot when submitting an application for a subdivision, land development or building permit. This inventory shall include the following resources: floodplains, ponds, wetlands, shorelines, steep slopes, forests or woodlands, trees over six inches in caliper and all soil types.

(2) The applicant shall incorporate the natural resource protection ratios in the subdivision, land development or building permit as they apply. Each resource is defined and a resource protection ratio is set for each resource. Site alterations, regrading, filling or clearing of vegetation prior to approval of final plan is prohibited.

(3) The maps and accompanying calculations shall be submitted and shall include the following information:
(a) A site plan which illustrates all natural resources on the site and the proposed use on the site.
(b) All encroachments and disturbances necessary to establish the proposed use on the site.
(c) Calculations which indicate the area of the site with natural resources; the area of natural resources that would be disturbed or encroached upon; and the area of the site which must be left undisturbed to protect resources under the terms of this chapter.

See Code and Zoning for more information.