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MapLink™ | Procedures | Wind Energy Facilities

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Wind Energy Facilities
Design and location of a wind energy facility and/or system shall consider, to the greatest extent possible, the aesthetics of the surrounding environment. In no case shall a device be attached to a structure listed on the Registry of Historic Structures. The Township may require submission of illustrations and photos depicting the color, size, shape, and architectural features of the proposed device; and submission of color photographs of the proposed tower location taken from view of all adjoining properties and roads. All utility lines, including electrical wires other than wires necessary to connect the wind generator to the tower wiring, the tower wiring to the disconnect junction box, and the grounding wires, must be installed underground in accordance with the prevailing standards of the servicing utility company.

Any wind energy facility and/or system that is defective, or has been abandoned, that is deemed to be unsafe by the Township Building Code Official shall be required to be repaired by the owner to meet federal, state and local safety standards, or be removed by the property owner within three months of written notification from the Township. If the owner fails to remove or repair the defective or abandoned wind energy system, the Township may pursue a legal action to have the system removed at the owner's expense.

A plot plan of the parcel on which the facility will be located shall be submitted, which identifies property lines, lot area, location of existing natural and manmade features, location of the proposed wind energy device, ownership information for adjoining properties, and setback measurements from property and street lines.

A wind energy facility and/or system, including the tower, shall comply with all applicable state construction and electrical codes, and the National Electrical Code. Prior to issuance of a building/zoning permit for installation of the device, the applicant must submit to the Township all documentation required by the Township Building Code Official to verify that the design of the device complies with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC), including, but not limited to, documentation of the structural integrity of the foundation, base, tower, and all appurtenant structures; and electrical design. Design information must be certified by a licensed professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and/or equipment manufacturer.

See § 175-16H(14) for complete, detailed information about wind energy facilities.