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MapLink™ | Procedures | Swimming Pools

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Swimming Pools
No person, owner or occupant of land shall install or maintain a swimming pool or other artificial body of water capable of being filled to a depth exceeding 24 inches at the deepest or lowest point unless a permit is first obtained from the Building Inspector and the required plans and information are filed, together with required permit fees. Ornamental pools and wading pools which do not exceed 24 inches in depth are exempt from these provisions. Swimming pools shall include any pool, regardless of design or construction materials or the permanency of its location both above and below ground level, which is built, erected, or used for the purpose of bathing or swimming and all buildings, equipment, and appurtenances thereto. This chapter shall also apply to public swimming pools used and maintained by an individual, firm, corporation, club, or association of persons for use by the public or members and their invitees or guests.

Construction permits are required prior to the construction, alteration, remodeling or additions to a swimming pool or other artificial water areas not specifically exempt from this chapter. Application for a permit for the construction of a swimming pool shall be made to the Building Code Official. Each application for a private or public swimming pool shall be accompanied by a duplicate set of plans, specifications, and plot plans of the property. The location of the pool on the property and with respect to adjoining property and street lines shall be shown, together with the location, height and type of fencing or walls or protective equipment and accessory buildings. No permit for a private or public swimming pool shall be issued until the plans, specifications and plot plans have been approved by the Zoning Officer through compliance with this chapter and the Township Building Code. Fees for swimming pool permits shall be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.

Written approval must be obtained upon inspection of the pool and subject to the discretion of the inspecting officer.

See § 175-16H(6) for complete, detailed information about swimming pools.
See Permit Applications and Guidelines for information.