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MapLink™ | Procedures | Mineral Extraction

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Mineral Extraction
A narrative describing an overview of the project, including the number of acres to be involved, the number of wells to be drilled (if applicable), the location, and the number and description of equipment and structures, to the extent known, shall be provided.

The contact information of the individual(s) responsible for the operation and activities at the site shall be provided to the Township and all emergency service and all emergency service responders. Such information shall include a phone number where such individual(s) can be contacted 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

A location map of the site showing the approximate location of derricks, drilling rigs, equipment and structures (as applicable), and all permanent improvements to the site, and any post-construction disturbance in relation to natural and other surroundings shall be provided. Included in this map shall be an area within the development site for the location and parking of vehicles and equipment used in the transportation of personnel and/or development and use of the site.

A narrative and map describing the manner and routes for the transportation and delivery of equipment, machinery, water, chemicals, and other materials used in the siting, drilling, construction, maintenance, and operation of the site shall be provided.

A certification or evidence satisfactory to the Township that, prior to the commencement of any activity at the site, the applicant shall have accepted and complied with any applicable bonding and permitting requirements, and shall have entered into a roadway maintenance and repair agreement with the Township, in a form acceptable to the Township Solicitor, regarding the maintenance and repair of Township streets that are to be used by vehicles for site construction, drilling activities, and site operations shall be provided.

A copy of all information submitted to the state agencies shall also be submitted to the Zoning Officer at the same time.

A detailed and appropriate land reclamation and reuse plan of the area to be excavated shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer. Compliance with such plan shall be a condition of Township permits.

Prior to submitting an application, the applicant is strongly encouraged to meet with Township staff to determine the requirements of and the procedural steps and timing of the application. The intent of this process is for the applicant to obtain necessary information and guidance from the Township before entering into any commitments or incurring substantial expenses with regard to the site and plan preparation.

Federal or state law or regulation preempts ordinance requirements that conflict with federal or state statutes or regulations.

See § 175-16G(13) for complete, detailed information about mineral extraction.