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MapLink™ | Procedures | Single-Family Detached Residential Development with Lot Averaging

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Single-Family Detached Residential Development with Lot Averaging
Such use shall be permitted for single-family detached dwellings, provided that where lands are offered in dedication to the Township or a municipal entity designated by the Board of Supervisors to receive said lands, which said lands shall be used for public facilities and public purposes such as sewer treatment plants, construction of new roadways, public parks and public recreation areas, and the Board of Supervisors, in its sole and absolute discretion, chooses to accept all or a portion of lands so offered, the minimum size of the approved building lots on the balance of the property (the gross site less the area to be dedicated for public purposes) to be subdivided may be modified in accordance with the specifications set forth in the specific district requirements herein and with the following criteria:
(a) The project is to be served by public water and public centralized sewer services.

(b) The total number of lots within the development proposed shall not exceed the number of lots which would be permitted if the tract were to be developed using single-family detached cluster development (use B-7) or, in districts where use B-7 is not permitted, single-family detached development (use B-1). Prior to approval of any subdivision plan for lot averaging, the applicant shall submit an engineered sketch plan which shall establish the maximum number of lots which could otherwise be developed in accordance with the requirements for use B-1 for the district in which the development is proposed. The proposed development using lot averaging shall not exceed the maximum number of lots otherwise obtainable.

(c) As a condition precedent to approval of the final subdivision plan by the Board of Supervisors, the applicant shall deliver to the Township for recording a deed of dedication for the lands which the Board of Supervisors, in its sole and absolute discretion, has chosen to accept, title to the same to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and of a quality for recording acceptable to the Board of Supervisors, upon advice of its Solicitor, all costs of transfer and recording to be borne by the applicant.